Mercury Detoxification Support: Health Practitioners Who Support Mercury Detoxification
Mercury Safe Dentists, Amalgam Filling Free Dentists, Holistic Dentists: Click Here to Access
The Poison in Your Teeth: Book
Mercury Detoxification & Gum Disease Prevention Supplements
Watch Dr. Tom McGuire's Video: Mercury Amalgam Fillings; The Poison in Your Teeth
Health Professionals Who Support Mercury Detoxification Programs
To help you find an alternative health professional who will support your efforts at mercury detoxification, I've compiled a database of alternative health practitioners who understand mercury detoxification.
The database is easy to use and searches for alternative health professionals in your area by zip code and state. If a health professional is not found within your zip code, the search will expand until it finds one closest to where you live.
Unless otherwise indicated, I have no personal knowledge of any alternative health professional listed in the database. Thus, you must do your own due diligence to determine if he or she is the right health practitioner for you. Most alternative health professionals listed are aware of the health hazards of chronic mercury poisoning from mercury amalgam (silver) fillings but you should always verify this prior to scheduling an appointment.
How to Search for Health Practitioners who Support Mercury Detoxification
Select a Zip Code, state, province or country and then click GO: (Cities will be listed in alphabetical order.)

Can’t Find an Alternative Health Professional who Supports Mercury Detoxification in Your Area? Here's what to do.
There are two options if you can’t find a Health Practitioner who supports Mercury Detoxification in your city or town. The first is to contact the Mercury Safe Dentist you are seeing and ask for a referral to a health professional who supports Mercury Detoxification. If you don't have a Mercury Safe Dentist you can go to our Mercury Safe Dentist Directory Search Page, find one in your area, call the nearest one listed and ask to be referred to one who supports Mercury Detoxification closer to you.
Page 2 - Mercury Detoxification Support: Alternative Health Professional Listing: More Information>>
For Alternative Health Professionals who Support Mercury Detoxification
If you are an alternative health professional, who understands the health hazards of chronic mercury poisoning, and is willing to support patients wishing to detoxify from mercury and would like a listing on the Alternative Health Professional's Database please contact us by clicking here.
Note: Every health professional listed in the Databases will be responsible for updating their contact information. To email us changes to your Listing Contact Information Click Here.